Federal Review of MTC’s Role in the Bay Area Transportation Planning Process
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) are reviewing MTC’s performance as the transportation planning agency for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. How are we doing?
What: Public Listening Session Sponsored by FHWA and FTA
Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Time: 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Where: Joseph P. Bort MetroCenter, Dahms Auditorium
101 Eighth Street, Oakland
(across from the Lake Merritt BART Station)
Can’t attend the meeting?
Send written comments by March 3, 2016 to:
Stew Sonnenberg, stew.sonnenberg@dot.gov
FHWA California Division
650 Capitol Mall, Suite 4-100
Sacramento, CA 95814
Ted Matley, ted.matley@dot.gov
Federal Transit Administration, TRO-9
90 Seventh Street, Suite 15-300
San Francisco, CA 94103-6701
Do you need an interpreter or any other assistance to participate? Please call 510.817.5757 or 510.817.5769 for TDD/TTY three days in advance.
¿Necesita un intérprete u otra asistencia para participar? Por favor llámenos con tres días de anticipación al 510.817.5757 o 510.817.5769 para TDD/TTY.
您是否需要翻譯員或任何其他幫助才能參加呢?請提前三天致電510.817.5757或聽障專線(TDD/TTY ) 510.817.5769
Tags: Bay Area, federal, transit, transportation