- Portland Tribune: Legislature Considering Overhaul or Elimination of Department of Energy
- E&E: Will Politics ‘Mess Around With’ New Mexico’s Cautious Approach to the Clean Power Plan?
- The Wall Street Journal: Biofuels Move From Lab to Frying Pan
- The Hill: National Gas Prices Dip Below $2 for First Time Since 2009
- E&E: SandRidge Defies Oklahoma Directive to Close 6 Wells
- The Charlotte Business Journal: Advocacy Groups Object to Fast-Track Plans for Duke Energy Asheville Plant
- Reuters: Oil Collapse Spurs Budget Shortfalls in U.S. Oil States: Moody’s
- Casper Star Tribune: State Investigation Finds Little Evidence Fracking Contributed to Pavillon Pollution
- The Associated Press: AP Investigation: U.S. Power Grid Vulnerable to Foreign Hacks
- The Washington Post: McAuliffie Sets Solar Energy Goal for Va. Government
- Las Vegas Review-Journal: PUC Official Opposes Rooftop-Solar Change Sought by NV Energy
- The Hill: Wind Power Installations Hit New Milestone
- E&E: Experts Predict Renewable Investment Boom as Congress Renews Tax Credits
- Forbes: Beating Coal Into Submission is Shortsighted. Shareholder
- The Washington Times: Mont. sells Bakken lease in N.D. to Davis Exploration
- Bloomberg: Oil glut threatens to drive prices down further
- This Bismarck Tribune: N.D.’s oil impact fund struggles as low prices force industry cutbacks
- Reuters: Chevron to sell up to 1.1M tons of LNG yearly to China Huadian subsidiary
- Bloomberg: Barclays: Offshore oil hoarding may be less profitable than hoped
- The Intelligencer: Axiall, Lotte hope to have La. ethane cracker on line by 2019
- The Providence Journal: National Grid proposes 85-foot concrete wall to guard against LNG spills