- The Washington Examiner: Negotiations ‘Very Fluid’ Over Energy Trade in Spending Bill
- Midland Reporter-Telegram: ExxonMobil: Fossil Fuels Will Still Provide 80 Percent of Energy by 2040
- The Hill: Sanders Wants to Put Price on Carbon Pollution
- The Daily Caller: Liberal Think Tank Admits a Carbon Tax is ‘Regressive’
- The Hill: Deal to End Oil Export Ban in Sight
- Reuters: Islamic State Oil is Going to Assad, Some to Turkey: U.S. Official
- The Wall Street Journal: Junkyard Dog: How Oil-Fueled Debt Caught Up With Chesapeake
- The Wall Street Journal: Natural Gas Retreats to New Three-Year Low
- Reuters: Wall Street Pares Gains as Oil Prices Fall
- The Sun Herald: BP Catastrophe Spending ‘Marathon’ Begins with $183 Million from Transition
- Utility Dive: PowerGen 2015: Why ‘Capacity Will No Longer be the Coin of the Realm’ in the Power Sector
- Utility Dive: The Factors Driving Wind and Solar Toward Grid Parity
- The Hill: EPA Chief: Coal ‘No Longer Marketable’
- Bloomberg News: Walter Energy Seeks Creditor Accord Approval to Avoid ‘Crash‘
- Bloomberg News: Westinghouse Races China for $1 Trillion Nuclear Power Prize