CAL FIRE Urban Forestry Program News
State of the Program/Grants
Well, a long destructive wildfire season has subsided for the year (fingers crossed) and I have gotten back into the groove of my normal urban forestry duties in the North Coast and the Bay Area. New grant projects supported by the first round of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Funds have been initiated throughout the state and are on their way. For those wondering where the program stands moving forward, current debate is taking place at the capitol building regarding the administration of future funding. There has been some talk of creating an entirely new program to administer all GGRF funds, thus diminishing the strong commitment CAL FIRE’s Urban & Community Forestry Program has made to growing the state’s urban forests. If you would like to lend your support to our program continuing its lead in this arena, please contact our advocates at California ReLeaf at They were also instrumental in rolling out the revamped Save Our Water and Our Trees website and tools at While autumn rains are hopefully on their way, the tools are wise investments in a ever-drier California moving forward. To stay abreast of things with our program, including tools, partners and grant synopsis, visit our site at Stay tuned as we look to hopefully host more grant-funded tools from years past there!
Other Grant Opportunities
California ReLeaf is pleased to release their Request for Proposals for the 2016 Social Equity Tree Planting Grant Program, with up to $500,000 in funding for tree planting projects. Applications are due no later than Tuesday, January 19, 2016.
The 2016 Social Equity Tree Planting Grant Program is funded by a grant from the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE<>), which received money in the 2014-15 State Budget from the California Climate Investments Program to support projects that combat climate change. All funded projects must reduce greenhouse gasses, and all must either be located in, or provide benefit to, disadvantaged communities as defined by CalEnviroScreen<> 2.0<>.
California ReLeaf will be hosting a webinar in mid-November that will offer further information about the Program and provide some useful tips on successfully completing the application. More details to follow via e-mail in November.
Click here to download the Guidelines, Application, Budget Form and <> GHG Reductions Worksheet.<>
Please do not hesitate to contact them via phone or email should you have any questions.. More info at:
California ReLeaf is also happy to share the following excellent sources of available outside funding for projects and research:
- 2016 <> NUCFAC US Forest Service National Urban & Community Forestry Challenge Cost-Share Grant Program:<> Proposals should address one of 3 priority topics: 1) Analysis & Solutions for Development & Redevelopment Impacts on Urban & Community Forests; 2) Building Human Health Through Urban & Community Forests; 3) Climate Change & its Impact on Trees & Water.
MONEY MATTERS: NUCFAC will be awarding $900,000 total.
DEADLINE: Applications are due by November 30, 2015.
- Los Angeles Center for Urban Natural Resources Sustainability Request for Research Proposals:<> For Los Angeles metropolitan area applicants only. The three issue areas are 1) Tree Stewardship, 2) Neighborhood Schools & the Urban Forest, and 3) Water & the Urban Forest.
MONEY MATTERS: Award range is between $10,000 – $50,000.
DEADLINE: Proposals are due December 4, 2015.
- Cal-EPA 2016 Environmental Justice Small Grants:<> Cal-EPA has added another project category this year that is very relevant to our network: “Address Climate Change Impacts Through Community Led Solutions.” Projects examples include energy efficiency, community greening, water conservation, & increased biking/walking.
MONEY MATTERS: NGOs are directly eligible for up to $50,000.
DEADLINE: Applications due January 22, 2016.
- Environmental Solutions for Communities Grant Program 2016 RFP:<> Wells Fargo and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) seek to promote sustainable communities through
Environmental Solutions for Communities by supporting highly-visible projects that link economic development and community well-being to the stewardship and health of the environment.
MONEY MATTERS: Approximately $2,460,000 is available nationwide for 2016.
DEADLINE: Proposals are due December 10, 2015.
- USDA Forest Service Community Forest Program 2016 RFP:<> The Community Forest Program provides financial assistance grants to local governments, non-profit organizations, and
federally recognized tribes to establish community forest that provide defined public benefits.
MONEY MATTERS: Proposed Administration funding is $1.683 million for FY 2016. Individual grant applications may not exceed $400,000.
DEADLINE: Applications are due by January 15, 2016.
- EPA <> EJ Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreements Program:<> The Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS) Cooperative Agreement Program provides funding for eligible
applicants for projects that address local environmental and public health issues within an affected community.
MONEY MATTERS: A total of $1.2 million is available; one award will be made per region in amounts of up to $120,000 per award for a two-year project.
DEADLINE: Applications due February 12, 2016.
TCUSA/Arbor Day
The deadline for submitting applications or renewals for recognition as a 2015 Tree City USA, Tree Line USA or Tree Campus is USA is December 31, 2015. Please do not delay. The application can be submitted easily online at the National Arbor Day Foundation’s website here: If you are new to the program, you will need to establish a username and password. I encourage you, as municipalities, to look into completing the simple application to recognize what you are doing for your urban forests. If you are a longstanding applicant, please consider the Tree City Growth Award in your submittal.
Moving forward, if you’d like for me to attend and speak at a Tree City or Arbor Day event in your community, please let me know as soon as possible as the rainy season tends to get busy.
Bring TreeCircus to YOUR School!
The Western Chapter ISA is accepting applications for schools in Northern and Southern California for their 2016 California Arbor Week Tour! TreeCircus is a high-energy, educational assembly about urban forestry and arboriculture geared toward students in K-8th grade. Learn more and apply at<>. Questions? Email WCISA Community Manager, Mary Pendleton.<>
CaUFC Workshop – Wednesday, December 9, 2015 – Save The Date!
The California Urban Forests Council is planning to hold a half-day workshop to explore notable CAL FIRE Urban & Community Forestry Programs in the Bay Area in recent years as well as touring the Our City Forest nursery. The workshop, to be held in San Jose, should have registration and an agenda available, along with CEU information, available soon at the following link: Also take a look at CaUFC’s website to see what their latest Invest From the Ground Up campaign is shaping up like.
Get Rooted in Your Profession: Serve on the WCISA Board
The Western Chapter of the International Society of Arboriculture needs good people from across the chapter to continue the dedication of current and previous board members. Become involved by submitting a nomination for yourself or another member now. The nominations must be received by the Nominations Chair, Jim Downer no later than November 30, 2015. Nominations received after that date may not be considered. Elections will be held next year from February 15 to March 1st. Click here to nominate someone now<>
CAL FIRE is Hiring
The VPOS vacancy announcement and flyer for both Defensible Space Inspector and State Forests (Forestry Aides) have been released. The application deadlines for these jobs is December 4 and December 31 respectively. These are good entry-level short-term positions to get an interested candidate experience with the Department and help navigate the system to potentially getting a full-time permanent job in the future. College students, especially, are encouraged to apply. The vacancy announcements can be located here:
Tags: calfire, fire, grants, jobs