The Army Corps of Engineers published the Interim Deauthorization List of projects that it has identified for deauthorization. Congress directed the Army Corps to develop this list in the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (P.L. 113-12-).
A copy of the full Interim Deauthorization List and the accompanying federal register notice can be found HERE.
For a list of projects in California that are on the deauthorization list, click here.
The list will be open for public comment for 90 days.
Following the completion of the comment period the Army Cops will publish a Final Deauthorization List in the Federal Register. Projects on the Final Deauthorization List will automatically be deauthorized 180 days after the list appears in the Federal Register, unless the non-federal project sponsor provides funding to compete the element identified in the list or Congress passes a joint resolution disapproving the list.
Please reach out to NWRA for any additional information.
Tags: federal, funding, projects