Sound Regional Report
From Eastern Washington grain and produce to Aerospace, oil and containerized cargo, Puget Sound ports serve much of the West Coast and much of the inland west. Although each port has its niche market, competition is heating up, and Puget Sound facilities must upgrade to remain vital, while working within the ever-increasing regulatory framework.
The Northwest Seaport Alliance is now a reality. Recently, the Federal Maritime Commission and the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma commissioners voted unanimously to approve the new…MORE

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Removal of Contaminated Tacoma Sediment Begins
The Port of Tacoma has begun dredging contaminated sediments in Blair Waterway in preparation to expand Pier 4, which is located within the major South Puget Sound waterway of Commencement Bay. (Read full article)

Largest-Ever Seaspan Bulk Barge
On Sept. 29, Seaspan Marine unveiled the newest addition to its marine fleet – a 16,000-ton barge named Seaspan 252 – during an official commissioning ceremony at Seaspan’s North Vancouver barge maintenance terminal. (Read full article)

Rebar Lacking in Panama Locks
By Mark Edward Nero
The contractor responsible for the design and construction of a set of locks for the expansion of the Panama Canal says it has found the cause of localized seepage found last month in the concrete sill between the lower and middle chamber of the Canal’s expanded Pacific Ocean-facing locks. (Read full article)

Maritime Champion is California Congressman
By Mark Edward Nero
On Sept. 30, the Washington DC-based American Maritime Partnership recognized US Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) with the 2015 Champion of Maritime Award, honoring Hunter for what the AMP says is his “extraordinary support and dedication” to the American maritime industry. (Read full article)