Are You Concerned About the Condition of Highways, Roads and Local Streets? Please join us at a public transportation forum to discuss the state’s role in funding road repair and maintenance.
Thursday, October 22, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Exhibits and networking: 4 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Presentations and discussion: 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Caltrans Auditorium, 111 Grand Ave, Oakland, CA 94612 Sponsored by: California Transportation Commission and Metropolitan Transportation Commission
The California Transportation Commission and Metropolitan Transportation Commission invite you to a public forum to learn more about the local, regional and state role in funding road projects and maintenance, the impacts and reasons for California’s deteriorating transportation system, proposed short-term and long-term funding solutions, and the potential implementation of a road charge based on miles driven to stabilize road repair and maintenance funding.
Representatives from Bay Area local business organizations, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, California Department of Transportation, and the California Transportation Commission will discuss and generate feedback on topics such as:
· How does the current condition of the Bay Area’s transportation system affect economic growth and regional competitiveness? · What are the near-term and long-term transportation needs in the Bay Area and in California? · How can we stabilize and increase funding needed for repair and maintenance of highways, roads and local streets? · How do we pay for ongoing operation and maintenance costs for our transportation network? · What are some of the key transportation projects that are being planned in the Bay Area?
Your voice is needed to help identify and implement policies to ensure that all Californians benefit from a well-maintained and efficiently-functioning transportation system. Please plan to attend. |