California State Lands Commission Strategic Plan 2016-2020




The California State Lands Commission continues to seek public comment on and input to its draft Strategic Plan.  The SLC values the opinions of its stakeholders and wants to ensure that their concerns are considered as we develop the final plan. This is a unique opportunity to assist the Commission in charting its course for the next five years.

Please provide written comments to no later than November 1st to ensure adequate time for consideration.

The next opportunity for public comment before the Commission is October 16th in San Diego. The specific location and time may be found on the SLC Meetings Page.


The Bay Planning Coalition will be forming an ad hoc working committee to review and develop comments on theCalifornia State Lands Commission Draft Strategic Plan for 2016-2020. This strategic plan could have significant impacts on important issues to BPC and its membership, including: climate change planning, dredging regulation, port operations, and regional development. 
If you are interested in joining this BPC ad hoc committee and participating in the review and comment on the State Lands Commission Draft Strategic Plan, please contact the BPC office at (510) 768-8310 or