This is a message from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley (5).
Thisn is a reminder that next “Evaluation of the Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use in Ag Dominated Surface Waters” stakeholder meeting is next Thursday, September 24th , from 9 am – 12 pm in Rancho Cordova. The meeting will focus primarily on the development of a Monitoring/Surveillance program for the region-wide MUN Evaluation Process Basin Plan Amendment. The attached agenda has a webinar link for those who cannot attend in person. We have also posted on our website additional meeting material for the discussion, so please take some time to review those items before the meeting:
Development of a Monitoring and Surveillance Program – this document will be used to initiate the monitoring/surveillance discussion on the 24th and includes stakeholder questions/issues previously identified.
San Luis Canal Company Water Body Categorization Report – this is the updated water body categorization report developed for the San Joaquin River case study
Draft Staff Review Document – this is a draft template of a review document Central Valley Water Board staff could use to evaluate water body categorization reports. It uses the San Joaquin River case study as an example.
Lower San Joaquin River Monitoring Summary – this is an Excel file that includes an extensive review of the Lower San Joaquin River monitoring programs, downstream of the San Luis Canal Company case study area
Map of Lower San Joaquin River Monitoring Sites – this is a map that shows monitoring sites corresponding to the Excel summary above
Map of Region-wide Regulatory Monitoring Sites and MUN intakes – this map shows the region-wide regulatory monitoring sites and also includes MUN intake sites.