This is a message from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley (5).
The following is an update on the status of the development of the Central Valley Pyrethroid TMDL and Basin Plan Amendment.
Scientific peer reviews of the technical reports supporting the Central Valley Pyrethroid TMDL and Basin Plan Amendment were completed in July 2015. The peer reviews were generally supportive of the scientific basis of the draft proposed Basin Plan Amendment. Central Valley Water Board staff are currently working with legal staff and USEPA on assessing potential implementation provisions for the Basin Plan Amendment and completing a public review draft staff report and proposed Basin Plan Amendment.
A draft Basin Plan Amendment staff report and draft proposed Amendment, including responses to peer review comments, is scheduled for release for public review in December 2015. Staff have tentatively scheduled a stakeholder meeting in January 2016, a public workshop with the Board in February or April 2016 and a hearing for Board consideration and potential adoption of the Central Valley Pyrethroid TMDL and Basin Plan Amendment in June 2016.
If you have question please contact Danny McClure at (916) 464-4751.