The California Land Use & Development Law Report
We’ve posted articles to our California Land Use & Development Law Report on developments that we think will be of interest to you. Our report publishes articles on recent legal and policy developments in the field of land use, environmental impact review, and permitting, and presents an easy way to keep current. You can choose to subscribe so that you don’t miss a single article.
Court Defers to San Diego’s Approval of Bridge in Balboa Park Giving a green light to construction of a new bridge in the historic Balboa Park, a court has reaffirmed a city’s discretion to interpret and apply its own general plan and zoning ordinances notwithstanding conflicts with specific general plan policies protecting historic resources. Save Our Heritage Organization v. City of San Diego et al., No. D063992 (4th Dist., May 28, 2015).
Don’t Bank On It: Court of Appeal Takes Issue with City’s Development Prohibition A city cannot prohibit development on more than one-third of an otherwise developable site in anticipation of future condemnation of that portion of the property. Such a restriction denies the landowner all economically beneficial use of the restricted land and constitutes a taking requiring just compensation.Jefferson Street Ventures, LLC v. City of Indio, No. G049899 (4th App. Dist., April 21, 2015).
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“True Lease” Required for Lease-Leaseback Exemption from Public Bidding
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