LAO Recommends Changes to CEQA

LAO Report Recommends “Major Changes” to CEQA to Address California’s High Housing Costs

In a new report released today, California High Housing Costs Causes & Consequences, the California Legislative Analyst Office (LAO) cites the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as a major impediment to building enough housing in California. The LAO says CEQA is a factor in California’s lack of housing supply, which leads to higher housing costs that burden working families and low income residents, and serve as a drag on our economy. You can read the full press release here.

This report is great motivation for CEQA reform, and we are working to get coverage.  Please be sure to retweet the CEQA Working Group, @fixCEQA or tweet this out yourself.

Sample Tweet: @LAO_CA Says #CEQA is a reason for high housing costs in CA. Time to modernize CEQA.
