The National Endangered Species Act Reform Coalition (NESARC) has filed three sets of comments with the Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service on behalf of the Coalition related to proposed changes to ESA critical habitat procedures and the definition of “adverse Modification” under the Endangered Species Act. These substantive comments are the result of several months of efforts that were due, in large measure, to input by and feedback from members of the Coalition’s Policy Committee.
An official statement about today’s submission, as well as the final comments, may be found on the NESARC website at the following links below.
NESARC Statement on Critical Habitat Proposals
NESARC Comments on Critical Habitat Procedures NOPR
NESARC Comments on Adverse Modification NOPR
NESARC Comments on Critical Habitat Exclusions 4(b)(2) Draft Policy
Tags: environment, habitats, news, species, wildlife