Bay-Delta Science Conference – Registration closes October 22nd!

  • by BPC Staff
  • on October 21, 2014


8th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference – Registration closes Oct 22nd!

October 28-30, 2014

Sacramento Convention Center

1400 J Street, Sacramento, California


Registration:  If you haven’t already done so, please register now for the Bay-Delta Science Conference.  The deadline for the pre-registration is October 22nd.  On-site registration will be available, but we highly recommend pre-registration, so you can avoid the longer lines.


Volunteers:  The conference is also still looking for volunteers.  Volunteers receive free registration.


Program:  The conference program has been recently updated, including the plenary session.  Printed copies of the program will be provided to all registered participants.


Abstracts:  Oral and Poster abstracts are available on-line.  Printed abstracts will not be available.  If you would like a copy of the abstracts you will need to print your own copy from the conference web site.


Mentor Lunch:  The conference is hosting a Student/Early Career Scientist Mentor Lunch on the October 28th.  Pre-registration is required to participate in this event.


General Information:  The Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference is a forum for presenting technical analyses and results relevant to the Delta Science Program’s mission to provide the best possible, unbiased, science-based information for water and environmental decision-making in the Bay-Delta system. The goal of the conference is to provide new information and syntheses to the broad community of scientists, engineers, resource managers, and stakeholders working on Bay-Delta issues.


The conference program will feature oral and poster presentations that provide scientific information and ideas relevant to the topic sessions. The conference theme this year is “Making Connections.” Management of the Bay-Delta Ecosystem is at a critical crossroads with political and regulatory mandates seeking new ways to manage water exports while restoring landscape-level ecosystem attributes and functions.  To support these activities requires that scientists make connections among external drivers, management actions, and ecosystem responses. Perhaps more critical, the scientific and management communities must make connections to ensure a two-way flow of needs, resources, ideas, and understanding.

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