In this issue:
■ Navy Reserve Centennial
■ Board of Directors Meeting program updates
■ Navy League website update
■ Adopted Ships & Units
■ Council Resources changes name & location
■ Best Practices – Sharing our successes
Dear Fellow Navy Leaguers,
The Navy in 2015 will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Navy Reserve by holding celebrations across the nation. With limited funding for local celebrations, your local Navy Reserve Units could use your help planning and funding a celebration. Their goal is to plan Centennial outreach events that will effectively reach their local employers, community leaders and Reserve veterans.
I encourage you to reach out to your local Navy Operational Support Centers (NOSC) to see how you can help with the planning and execution of these events. Jenn Womble, a member of the Communications team for the Navy League headquarters staff also serves in the Navy Reserve and can help you find the point of contact for your local celebration. Feel free to reach out to her via
As you help plan these celebrations, take this opportunity to educate members of the Navy Reserve on our mission and encourage them to join our team of Navy Leaguers. I believe their passion for service and knowledge of the Navy makes them the perfect candidates for membership. I will be sending out a flyer in the next few months specifically designed for the celebration, with the goal of educating the attendees on our mission and need for their knowledge and expertise.
“Ten out of eleven Sailors in the Navy during World War II were Naval Reservists. They made possible the rapid expansion of our naval service into the largest the world has ever known – some three and a third million. They had to learn their job the hard way, with a maximum amount of training in a minimum period of time. Today the Naval Reserve, profiting by its wartime experiences, is even better prepared to help this Nation protect the peace.”
– John L. Sullivan, Secretary of the Navy, 1947-1949
Board of Directors Meeting Updates
The following are updates to the Board of Directors Meeting program. For the full schedule and registration information, visit:
■ Thursday, November 13
Pentagon Tour from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
■ Friday, November 14
Registration – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Maritime Policy Committee Meeting – 11 a.m. to 12.p.m.
Membership & Marketing Committee Meeting – 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
International Affairs Committee Meeting – 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Youth Programs Committee Meeting – 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Navy League Website Update
The Navy League website landing pages and drop-down menus have been updated for About Us, Membership, Communications, Corporate Affairs, Programs & Support, Meetings & Events, Communications and Legislative Affairs. A redesign of the homepage is under way.
If you have any questions, please contact Amy Wittman, Staff Vice President, Communications, at or Maria-Isabel Dickey, National Vice President, Communications & Marketing, at
Call for Feel-Good News
We know our Navy League Councils are doing amazing work, taking care of our sea service personnel and their families all over the country. Now it’s time to share. Please send an email and let us know any holiday programs or activities you have in the works – providing Thanksgiving turkeys, delivering toys, delivering Christmas trees, etc.
We would love to include your good deeds in the Winter “Navy Leaguer,” as well on the Navy League and Seapower social media sites. Please include the name of the program, a point of contact, dates and any other relevant information. Remember the “five Ws” when reporting on council activities: Who, What, Where, When and Why.
This is the moment for your Council to shine!
Communications Activity Report
Let us know what your councils are doing. If you have given a Navy League Presentation,, or gotten an op-ed or public service ad placed in local media, make sure you fill out a Communications Activity Report, which you can find here:
Adopted Ships & Units
It has come to our attention that some of the information on our website regarding the list of adopted ships, units and sponsored youth groups by Navy League councils is out of date. Please take a look at the list and send any corrections, updates or new information to Bill Waylett, Senior Director, Regional Activities, at
We depend on council input to maintain this list, which is viewed by sea service leaders and the public at large. Please establish a process to review and update your council’s listing at regular intervals and notify Bill of changes. Remember, the information we put online is only as good as the information you provide to Headquarters, so we need 100 percent participation by our councils in this endeavor.
Council Resources Changes Name & Location
“Council Resources” on the website has been renamed “Media & Marketing Resources.” It can be found under the Communications webpage.
Please note: If the files you are looking for are no longer on this page, please log in to the Online Community, go to Council Resources under the News and Notes tab.
To sign-up to the On-line Community all you need is your Navy League Membership Number. If you have any questions or need help to setup your account, contact Navy League Member Services toll free at 800.356.5760, by phone at 703.528.1775 or by email
This Month’s Best Practice – Cookies to Marines stationed in Afghanistan
As councils looks for activities to support our troops during the holidays, consider the Colorado Springs Council’s idea!
Council members came together for a fun evening of socializing and service this summer for a fun event called “Wine to Share and Cookies to Ship.” The group collected and shipped nearly 300 pounds of cookies to Marines stationed in Afghanistan. They also involved a local church youth group by asking them to color pictures to add to the packages.
Your council could engage the Sea Cadets, by asking them to write a letter to a service member deployed from his/her family during the holidays. Another idea: Invite service members who are unable to travel home to join your family for Thanksgiving dinner. Base chaplains can help facilitate. There are many other ways to remember those who serve during the holiday season.
Please share your stories and pictures for our “Best Practices” folder. Send your Best Practices to:
James H. Offutt
National President
Navy League of the United States