Maybe you know this about us already – but just in case you don’t –
the SF Bay Joint Venture is one of
22 habitat-based Joint Ventures established across the country (and into Canada and Mexico) to address the bird conservation issues in each of their respective regions. Here in the Bay Area that translates into protecting, restoring and enhancing a variety of wetland, creek and associated upland habitats. You can learn more about our goals, objectives and strategy here.
There are many ways for you and your organization to get involved with the SFBJV. Here are just a few:
- Add or view habitat projects in our PROJECT TRACKING DATABASE – increase your collaboration potential, see how your project fits into the bigger picture of Bay Area wetland conservation and contributes to regional goals;
- Join a WORKING COMMITTEE – Conservation Delivery, Government Affairs, Science and Public Outreach;
- Highlight your PROJECTS by getting featured in our newsletter and/or on our website;
- Share your SCIENCE and help guide adaptive land management;
- TELL YOUR STORY with shared messages using conservation community themes;
- BENEFIT FROM NETWORKING, assistance, collaborative fundraising, and more exposure than you’d have alone.
Much of the work we do is accomplished through our working committees and related task groups. Membership in most of our committees is open to anyone interested or working on the projects or purposes of each committee. Contact us or visit our website to find out more about our committee work.
On Thursday August 14, our Conservation Delivery Committee will meet in Oakland from 10:00am – 12:15pm. If you are interested in attending or reviewing the agenda, please contact Sandra Scoggin, SFBJV Assistant Coordinator.
We hope to see more of you in the months to come!
If you want to increase your chances for success, please contact SFBJV Coordinator, Beth Huning
The San Francisco Estuary Partnership
just announced a request for proposal for an economic analysis of strategies to implement “Flood Control 2.0.”
Due by August 29!
You can find more information here
The National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance program supports community-led natural resource conservation and outdoor recreation projects across the nation. Their national network of conservation and recreation planning professionals partners with community groups, nonprofits, tribes, and state and local governments design trails and parks, conserve and improve access to rivers, protect special places, and create recreation opportunities. Learn more here.
This second round of Climate Ready grants is intended to encourage local governments and non-governmental organizations to act now to prepare for a changing climate by the implementation of on-the-ground multiple-benefit actions that provide public benefits while lessening the impacts of climate change on California’s coastal communities and natural resources. Learn more here.
By October 1:
Habitat Conservation Fund
The California Department of Parks and Recreation administers this grant program to local public agencies for the acquisition and restoration of wildlife habitats and significant natural areas. Eligible projects include acquisition/restoration of deer/mountain lion, rare, threatened and endangered species, wetlands, riparian, anadromous fish and trout habitat and urban trail/wildlife corridor projects. $2 million is available annually. Learn morehere.
By October 26:
National Marine Sanctuary Foundation The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation seeks proposals after Labor Day (2014) to increase ocean awareness and promote action for ocean conservation. NMSF is interested in innovative projects that engage the public in compelling ocean stewardship issues and motivate effective and focused action to benefit both humans and the sea. They are once again prioritizing proposals that relate to national marine sanctuaries in a meaningful way.
By November 7:
NAWCA Small Grants
The Small Grants Program is a competitive, matching grants program that supports public-private partnerships carrying out projects in the United States that further the goals of the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (Act). These projects must involve long-term protection, restoration, and/or enhancement of wetlands and associated uplands habitats for the benefit of all wetlands-associated migratory birds. All potential applicants might consider contacting SFBJV Coordinator, Beth Huning in advance for input on ways to make their application competitive on a national level. Learn more here.
The mission of the Water Recycling Funding Program (WRFP) is to promote the beneficial use of treated municipal wastewater (water recycling) in order to augment fresh water supplies in California by providing technical and financial assistance to agencies and other stakeholders in support of water recycling projects and research. A short video explains the type of projects that qualify and can be found on their website.
WCB continues to provide funding for wetland, riparian, oak woodland, and other fish and wildlife habitat improvement projects and land acquisition (easement and fee title) from Propositions 40, 50, and 117. The WCB’s Riparian, Inland Wetlands, and Oak Woodland programs continue, and are continuously open for proposal submission. for inquiries contact (916) 445-8448. Learn more on their website.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Environmental Solutions for Communities
Funding priorities for this program include: Supporting sustainable agricultural practices and private lands stewardship; Conserving critical land and water resources and improving local water quality; Restoring and managing natural habitat, species and ecosystems that are important to community livelihoods; Facilitating investments in green infrastructure, renewable energy and energy efficiency ; Encouraging broad-based citizen participation in project implementation. Grants will be offered once a year to support priority projects, and funds may be used to leverage resources associated with other NFWF funding opportunities. Learn more on their website.
many more ongoing grants with no deadline are available on the funding page of our website
job listings change frequently – keep current here
San Francisco Bay Joint Venture
735 B Center Blvd. Fairfax, CA 94930