Brand Monterey Bay (BMB) & Monterey Bay Crescent Ocean Research Consortium (MBCORC) explore accelerating MarineTech commercialization

  • by BPC Staff
  • on July 8, 2014
Monterey Bay International Trade Association
July 8, 2014
For Immediate Release
Monterey Bay International Trade Association –
Brand Monterey Bay (BMB) & Monterey Bay Crescent Ocean Research Consortium (MBCORD) explore accelerating MarineTech commercialization 
A high level public and private sector partnership between Brand Monterey Bay (BMB) and the Monterey Bay Crescent Ocean Research Consortium (MBCORC) is being explored to focus on accelerating the Monterey Bay Marine Science leadership in the commercialization of the Monterey Bay’s world leading MarineTech community.
Monterey Bay, CA, July 7, 2014 – Following a successful Brand Monterey Regional Marine Science Event ‘THE MONTEREY BAY: A Leader in the Blue Economy’, on April 25th, Brand Monterey Bay and the Monterey Bay Crescent Ocean Research Consortium (MBCORC) are together exploring opportunities for accelerating the development of the world leading Marine Science industry in the Monterey Bay region and to commercialize its rich technology, products, service and educational clusters for world consumption.
The Monterey Bay Crescent Ocean Research Consortium (MBCORC), aka ‘Team Marine’, was formed in 1998 to support the overlapping interests of the many marine science-related institutions located throughout the Monterey Bay region. The Brand Monterey Bay program started this year and is a business league dedicated to bringing trade, investment and tourism to the Monterey Bay through a regional, collaborative brand and marketing campaign.
In the past, technology from MBARI and other local research institutions has been commercialized in other places such as Woods Hole on the east coast, who then receive the publicity for the breakthrough technology instead of MBARI. This marriage of these two organizations to promote the Monterey Bay’s emerging innovation ecosystem in Marine Science will harness the wherewithal of Silicon Valley’s entrepreneurial infrastructure to identify, support and implement the commercialization of the regions’ products, services and technology to the global marketplace.
Jeffrey Paduan, Director of MBCORC states that “MBCORC members benefit from their interactions, which center on their ongoing educational and research programs. Working with BMB expands those benefits by introducing the educators and scientists to others working with industry and local businesses. The partnership is expected to make our Team Marine concept more effective and comprehensive.”
“The Monterey Bay is this country’s largest national marine sanctuary and since it was established in 1992 as such, hundreds of millions of dollars have been expended among 30 different marine sciences centers in the Monterey Bay conducting research and educating from all levels of the Marine Science community. With the daunting challenge of global warming I think the world is ready to delve into what we have here in the Monterey Bay. Discussions are now being conducted by BMB and MBCORC with MarineTech entities in Mexico and China where their specific environmental challenges could benefit greatly with effective access to the cutting edge technology and expertise the Monterey Bay region has to offer”, states Tony Livoti, President of BMB and MBITA.
“The Monterey Bay is a premier Marine Science region and is poised to emerge as a leading MarineTech Commercialization Center right next to Silicon Valley”, states G Stearns of Stearns & More Capital, and a BMB founding partner.
Chris Khan, of Joint Venture Monterey Bay, and a founding partner of BMB states that “The Monterey Bay region has one of the highest concentrations of Marine Science researchers in one of the most unique marine environments in the world. Connecting the Silicon Valley “Innovation Ecosystem” with Monterey Bay marine science, can produce a world-class Monterey Bay MarineTech industry.
About MBCORC: The Monterey Bay Crescent Ocean Research Consortium (MBCORC); aka Team Marine, was formed in 1998 to support the overlapping interests of the many marine science-related institutions throughout the Monterey Bay region. MBCORC Promotes scientific understanding of coastal & marine systems, facilitates application of that for public policy and decision making while promoting environmental awareness.
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