UC Research: Managing Water from Floods to Droughts
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
9:30 am
2168 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC
Join the University of California for a briefing on current UC research and its value for making water management decisions in California and the world.
Dr. Doug Parker, Director, California Institute for Water Resources, University of California
Dr. Martin Ralph, Director, Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes, UC San Diego
Dr. Jay Famiglietti, Director, UC Center for Hydrologic Modeling, UC Irvine
Daniel M. Dooley, Senior Vice President for External Relations, University of California (moderator)
RSVP to: UCBriefings[at]UCDC.edu
This is the first in a series of briefings hosted by the University of California’s Office of Federal Governmental Relations.
Tags: drought