SF Bay Restoration Authority Projects

  • by BPC Staff
  • on January 24, 2014


The San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority is working towards a potential regional funding measure for the Bay.  As part of this effort, we are seeking your input on a list of example projects that may potentially be eligible for Authority funding.  The list will be used in outreach efforts and to help guide the future work of the Authority. 


As stated in its enabling legislation, “the authority may raise funds and award grants to public and private entities, including, but not limited to, owners or operators of San Francisco Bay shoreline parcels, for eligible projects in the counties within the authority’s jurisdiction… An eligible project shall do at least one of the following:

  1. Restore, protect, or enhance tidal wetlands, managed ponds, or natural habitats on the San Francisco Bay shoreline.
  2. Build or enhance shoreline levee or other flood management features that are part of a project to restore, enhance or protect tidal wetlands managed ponds, or natural habitats identified in paragraph (1).
  3. Provide or improve public access or recreational amenities that are part of a project to restore, enhance, or protect tidal wetlands, managed ponds, or natural habitats identified in paragraph (1).”


The Authority has developed a Draft Expenditure Plan (attached) that further describes how funds would be allocated, with four major program areas and a set of allocation criteria.  With the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture, the attached list of example projects has been created, as called for in the Draft Expenditure Plan.  We want to ensure this list is as accurate and comprehensive as possible and that is where you come in! 


Please send via email to ahutzel@scc.ca.gov by February 7, 2014, projects that your organization is planning to conduct in the 2015-2025 timeframe that fit within the Authority’s enabling legislation and Draft Expenditure Plan.  Please provide the name of the project, the county where it is located, a short description, and the lead organization(s), as well as a map that shows the project boundaries in relation to major landmarks.  Projects can include planning, implementation, stewardship, monitoring, and education, within the context of the enabling legislation language above.  Please do not submit projects that you think other organizations should undertake (but feel free to forward this email to them).   We want to know what your organization is interested in doing that fits within the Authority’s objectives.

SFBRA Draft Expenditure Plan 11-26-13

RA-Draft Examples of Bay Restoration Projects