Regional Monitoring Program Forum on Science to Support Management of Methylmercury in Restored Tidal Marshes

  • by BPC Staff
  • on November 4, 2013

The RMP Forum on Science to Support Management of Methylmercury in Restored Tidal Marshes has been rescheduled for December 17th, 9:00am to 5:00pm. This meeting was originally scheduled for October but was postponed due to the federal government shutdown.  The goal of the meeting is to review information and information needs relating to implementing the San Francisco Bay Mercury TMDL and managing methylmercury in restored tidal marshes in San Francisco Bay. There is currently a lack of consensus on the best approach for monitoring methylmercury and using monitoring data in decision-making. This workshop will address the state of knowledge regarding the role wetland restoration and management play in methylmercury impairment locally and regionally, and help inform decision-making by the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board and other agencies.

All of the details on the symposium are available at

The meeting will be held at the Department of Public Health building in Richmond.  You must register to be able to get into the building.  Please note that you must re-register if you were signed up for the October meeting. Registration information and logistical details are available at: