CalDesal’s Second Annual Conference – October 3-4, 2013

  • by BPC Staff
  • on August 28, 2013


Register Now 

for the

2nd Annual

CalDesal Conference


October 3-4, 2013


Hyatt Regency Mission Bay

11441 Quivira Road

San Diego, CA 92109

Phone: 619-224-1234



Perspectives on Desal and Salinity Management: Local, Regional & Statewide


Conference Overview: The Conference will focus on salinity management and desalination perspectives.

1.       Perspectives on Salinity Management

2.      Energy Efficiency Opportunities for Desal

3.      Reliability: Project Delivery, Economics, &                  Financing

4.      Ocean Plan Amendment Process Update

5.      Public Health Perspectives


Reservations: Early Registration: $300.00

Late Registration: (After September 3rd) $325.00 At the Door (based on availability): $350.00

Special discount rate of $75 off the registration fee for CalDesal Members that register early.


Sponsorship Opportunities: The Conference will be attended by salinity management and desalination industry professionals, CalDesal member agency representatives, local and state/federal agency staff and decision makers, California legislators, non-governmental organizations, and other special guests. There are limited opportunities to sponsor the evening Receptions at each venue for the following levels: Platinum ($1000.00), Gold ($500.00) and Silver ($250.00). Event sponsors will be acknowledged in Conference program, on materials, banners, email announcements and will receive special recognition at the Conference.


For Sponsorship Forms click on the link below:


Hotel Reservations: Please take a moment to contact the Hyatt Regency Mission Bay to secure your hotel rooms for any CalDesal Conference attendees for a special rate of $169.00 prior to September 3, 2013.


For additional Conference information visit CalDesal’s Website or contact Holly Wolting at

916-492-6082 or




770 L Street Suite 950,

Sacramento, CA  95814