Today BPC held an extremely successful welcome luncheon for the new USACE San Francisco District Commander, LTC John Baker. Some of the main points from LTC Baker’s comments today:
Headquarter’s new direction includes the following points-
- Increased efficiency and effectiveness
- Accept risk
- Be competitive with technologies
- Take a ‘watershed’ approach
- Look at Alternative Financing
LTC John Baker concluded with some thoughts of his own and how he plans to utilize his leadership position:
- Do better with less (resources)
- Increased collaboration
- Take dredge material as a fill material, bring together two projects (pairing projects)
- Communication is important
On behalf of BPC, we thank LTC Baker and his key staff for attending the luncheon. We also thank all of those that attended, and Sinbad’s for accomodating the large and successful turnout.
Below is a picture of the BPC Board of Directors with LTC Baker:
Names going from left to right: Ellis Wallenberg (Weiss Associates), Bill Butler (Jerico Products), John Coleman (Bay Planning Coalition), Len Cardoza (Weston Solutions), Colonel John Baker, Paul Shepard (Cargill), David Ivester (Briscoe Ivester & Bazel),
Scott Warner (AMEC Environment & Infrastructure)