Industry, government and organization leaders convened on April 26, 2011 at the Bay Planning Coalition’s 24th Annual Decisionmakers Conference at the Hilton Oakland Airport. They learned the who, what and how to:
- Lift economic growth and Increase jobs
- Create business efficiencies and foster innovation
- Remove bureaucratic and financial barriers
- Identify solutions for balancing economic growth with environmental protection, and
- Unleash the promise of a sustainable San Francisco Bay
Decisionmakers: Session I: Welcome & Keynote from Bay Planning Coalition on Vimeo.
Decisionmakers: Session I: Washington Update from Bay Planning Coalition on Vimeo.
Decisionmakers: Session II: The Role of The San Francisco Bay from Bay Planning Coalition on Vimeo.
Decisionmakers: Session III: Permits in a New Era from Bay Planning Coalition on Vimeo.
Decisionmakers: Session IV: Luncheon Program from Bay Planning Coalition on Vimeo.
» Introduction of New BPC Members
» 6:30 Frank C. Boerger Award Presentation
» 8:48 Luncheon Speaker John Garamendi
BPC presents the Frank Boerger Award annually to an individual who appreciates the rigors of advocating environmental protection and economic progress,and forges the path to achieve both. This person is passionate in convictions,balanced in judgment,and talented in bringing diverse interests and stakeholders together to address the issues of the environment and development.
Decisionmakers: Session V: The America’s Cup from Bay Planning Coalition on Vimeo.
25:02: The americas cup trailer
27:19: “It’s a race in the water”
Decisionmakers: Session VI: A LTMS Strategy for Dredging from Bay Planning Coalition on Vimeo.