Climate Change and Sea Level Rise

  • Environment
  • by BPC Staff
  • on December 7, 2009

Climate Change and Sea Level Rise

BCDC Proposed Bay Plan Amendment

BCDC has developed draft findings and policies on climate change and a background report on climate change and the potential impacts of a rise in sea level on the Bay Area region. The background report, Living With A Rising Bay: Vulnerability And Adaptation In San Francisco Bay And On the Shoreline. April 7, 2009, describes BCDC’s perspective on vulnerabilities in the Bay Area’s economic and environmental systems, as well as the potential impacts of climate change on public health and safety.

BCDC held three public hearings and workshops on the proposed amendments (see October 5 version  BCDC closed the hearing on November 5, 2009 and directed the staff  to bring back a revised staff report sometime in the  spring of 2010.  BCDC directed its staff to work with the task force formed by BPC, BAC, the Home Builders Association, and the Bay Area Flood Agencies Association on recommended revisions.  Reference the following letters comprising a brief analysis of the issues raised by the proposed Bay Plan amendments:  BPC and Home Builders Association letter – July 14,  2009BPC and BAC  letter – November 5th, 2009.

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