Two Big Water and Bay News Stories, Courtesy of the Mercury News and SF Chronicle

  • by BPC Staff
  • on November 15, 2013


San Francisco Bay: Feds release 50-year, $1.2 billion plan to restore wetlands and wildlife

Paul Rogers, Mercury News

Noting that the ongoing effort to restore thousands of acres of marshes and wildlife around San Francisco Bay is the largest wetlands renaissance in the United States other than the restoration of the Florida Everglades, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Thursday unveiled a 50-year blueprint to finish the job.


2 million oysters in bay begin restoration effort

Peter Fimrite, San Francisco Chronicle

Two million native oysters have settled on man-made reefs in San Francisco Bay over the past year, marking the first major success in an effort to bring back a species ravaged by human excess, researchers said Thursday.