Pacific Maritime Magazine Online for July 25, 2017




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Your Money’s Worth 

By Chris Philips, Managing Editor  

In 1994, the US Coast Guard stopped training its cadets in Morse code and changed the name of the rating from “radioman” to “information systems technician.”

In 2010 the Coast Guard Navigation Center in Alexandria, Virginia coordinated the shutdown of the North American Long Range Navigation-C signal.

The reason for both of these actions was the advent of modern technology. While some may disagree with the decision, one can be sure that modern technology has taken the place of the older systems.

Last month, longtime reader Mike Trainor in Sitka, Alaska alerted us to another impending shutdown by the Feds. As part of a 15 percent cut to the US Geological Survey’s budget proposed by President Trump,
the service’s roughly $1.9 million geomagnetism program would be….

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Have a news tip to share? Send an email to Karen Robes Meeks

Story1Extended Comment Period for New Los Angeles Terminal

By Karen Robes Meeks

The Port of Los Angeles has extended the public comment period to September 29 for those who want to weigh in on an updated draft report addressing the environmental impacts of China Shipping’s terminal at Berths 97-109…(Read full article)

Story2Port of Seattle Joins Environmental Group

By Karen Robes Meeks

The Port of Seattle reiterated its commitment to the environment recently when the agency announced it was part of We Are Still In, a national multi-organizational coalition aimed at meeting greenhouse gas reduction goals …(Read full article)

Story3New Oakland Board President
By Karen Robes Meeks

The Port of Oakland’s seven-member governing board recently elected Joan Story as its board president for one year… (Read full article)

Story4New Port of Anacortes Staff
By Karen Robes Meeks

The Port of Anacortes, Washington recently made a series of hires for various roles. The agency welcomed John Dumas to be its Director of Operation… (Read full article)

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