MTC: Plan Bay Area 2040 Draft Environmental Impact Report released for public review

The Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) for Plan Bay Area 2040 has been released for public review.
Access the Draft EIR document online here:
The Draft EIR has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to analyze and disclose the potentially adverse significant impacts associated with implementation of theproposed Plan Bay Area 2040, the updated long-range Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area.
The public is invited to three public hearings, where interested residents can comment on the Draft EIR. The full list of public hearings is as follows:
  • Public Hearing at Joint Planning/Adm. Committees in SF
    Friday, May 12, 9:40 a.m., or immediately following the Legislation Committee, whichever occurs later
    Bay Area Metro Center
    Board Room
    375 Beale Street
    San Francisco
  • Public Hearing in San José
    Tuesday, May 16, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
    Dr. Martin Luther King Library, Room 225
    150 E. San Fernando Street
    San José
  • Public Hearing in Vallejo
    Thursday, May 18, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
    Vallejo Naval and Historical Museum
    734 Marin Street

Members of the public also are encouraged to view the Draft EIR online at Written comments will be accepted at the public hearings; via mail to MTC Public Information, 375 Beale Street, Suite 800, San Francisco, CA, 94105; via fax to 415.536.9800; or via email to
The comment period for the Draft EIR will close on Thursday, June 1, 2017.
A Final EIR will be prepared following public review and comment on the Draft EIR. The Final EIR will consist of changes to the Draft EIR and written responses to comments submitted during the comment period on the Draft EIR. MTC and ABAG will consider this information during their deliberations on certification of the Final EIR and adoption of the proposed Plan Bay Area 2040.
For more information on the Draft Plan Bay Area 2040, including open house dates and locations in your county, please visit
Questions? Visit, email, or call 415.778.6757.
Accessible Meetings
Do you need an interpreter or any other assistance in order to participate? Please call us at 415.778.6757. We require three days notice in order to provide reasonable accommodation. 
¿Necesitas un intérprete o cualquier otra asistencia para participar? Comunícate al 415.778.6757. Necesitamos aviso con tres días de anticipación para proporcionar asistencia razonable.
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