Update on Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Evaluation Project

  • by BPC Staff
  • on June 25, 2014

This is an update on the Evaluation of the Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN) Beneficial Use in Ag Dominated Surface Water Bodies” project.  A number of project work tasks have been in progress or completed over the last six months. Below is a summary of highlights:

  1. Draft Project Alternatives Flow charts
    Based on feedback from the MUN evaluation stakeholder meetings held during 2012-2013, a flowchart has been developed to provide an overview of the potential project alternatives for the overall region-wide MUN Evaluation Process Basin Plan Amendment. Click here to review. An additional flowchart was developed to highlight the potential project alternatives for the Sacramento River Case Study area. Click here to review. Please submit any comments or questions by email to Anne Littlejohn at anne.littlejohn@waterboards.ca.gov or by phone at (916) 464-4840.
  2. New Case Study participant in the San Joaquin Valley
    San Luis Canal Company (SLCC) has agreed to be a case study participant to test the MUN evaluation process in the San Joaquin River Basin. Staff will be working closely with the district to provide a detailed analysis of SLCC’s surface water bodies to see how they fit in to the water body categorization and MUN beneficial use process alternatives developed for the Sacramento River Basin.  Note – we still do not have a Tulare Lake Basin case study.
  3. Draft Water Quality Report
    A draft report for the 18-month water quality monitoring study that was completed last fall for Sacramento Valley Case Study Area is undergoing internal review. The report will be posted for public review in mid-July.  This report summarizes the results for the water quality samples collected and analyzed from Ag dominated water bodies both up and downstream of the treated effluent discharge points of the cities of Biggs, Colusa, Live Oak and Willows.
  4. Title 22 (Drinking Water Regulations) Water Quality Survey
    The Central Valley Water Board was able to secure laboratory funding for a limited scan of Title 22 drinking water constituents in nine sites located in the Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basins. These sites include the main stem Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, upstream of any MUN diversion points, as well as representative sites in Ag dominated tributaries to these rivers. The survey is a one-time sampling event on 25 June 2014 (Sacramento River Basin) and 30 June 2014 (San Joaquin River Basin). Results will be made available on our website later in the summer.
  5. Continued development of the Basin Plan Amendment Staff Report
    Staff is continuing to develop the scientific and technical documentation needed for the Basin Plan Amendment Staff Report. Consultants for the project are working on the CEQA evaluation and Economic Analysis portion of the project.

A stakeholder meeting will be scheduled for later this summer to provide a more thorough update on the project and provide an opportunity for stakeholder feedback. Keep posted for an email with the date and more information on that meeting.


If you have any questions or concerns please contact:

Anne Littlejohn

Environmental Scientist

Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board

11020 Sun Center Drive, Suite 200

Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

(916) 464-4840


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